✉ – Contacts

At the GCA, membership is an exclusive/inclusive privilege that is extended by invitation only. We believe that fostering a close-knit community of legal professionals is essential for the collective growth and success of our organization.

To become a part of our community, we encourage prospective members to actively engage with our current members, participate in our events, and collaborate on various projects. These interactions not only help you understand us and us identify potential candidates who share our values and commitment, but also allow individuals to gain valuable insights, expand their networks, and contribute meaningfully to our shared mission.

By connecting with like-minded peers and actively participating in the GCA’s vibrant ecosystem, you’ll not only strengthen your own professional development but also become a vital part of our thriving legal community.

Contact us here:

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For general enquiries

To candidate for membership

– send an email to generalcounsels@outlook.com,

– add in the subject line “membership”,

– specify the name of two GCA members who sponsors your membership (in case you don’t know any member, you are welcome to liaise with the Chairman and the Managing Directors on LinkedIn and meet them for sponsorship),

– attach to the email the form duly filled up and your CV (Articles of Association available upon request).

For alliances and partnerships

send an email to generalcounsels@outlook.com and add in the subject line “alliances”