General Counsels – the Association
The GCA reunites General Counsels, Heads of Legal, Heads of Corporate Affairs, and people in charge of being the legal pathfinders in a corporate structure.
The GCA admits only members who, based on a peers review, are reputed cooperative, decent human beings, in order to foster open discussions, development of tools and methodologies, and the creation of best practices

Ethics and Kaizen are the keywords.
At the GCA we re-design our role, promote it, and create healthy relationships with stakeholders, fostering continuing legal education and professionalism.
We advocate the need for a GC to be a lawyer and a manager, soaked in deeply rooted values.
– Pioneering | A genius alone, even in the most active environment, cannot reach the peaks of a solid group working together. The GCA discusses, shares, and improves good-old ways, brainstorms new ideas, tests new products on the market, develops products on its own, push forward the stakeholders to new horizons.
– Diversity of perspectives | High expectations need wide perspectives. We reach out and engage with other GCs, plus a wide array of stakeholders, including CEOs, CFOs, HRs, law firms, and more. This allows us to identify common ground, share values, and foster collaboration. In doing so, we not only enrich our own perspective but also contribute to the broader legal and corporate community.
– Invitation-only | To pioneer and push forward, the team needs to be solid. We invite those GCs who are demonstrated believers of our three values: gentlemanship, cooperation, and solidarity. People are invited by word of mouth, and only if they are reputed professionals and respected human beings. We do not take on corporate brands; we look for individuals. It’s better to have 25 CEOs on our mission than 2,500 passive bystanders.
– Facts over words | Time is short, goals are ambitious, and we cannot afford façade networking. The GCA engages only in real-life projects, with specific, attainable, and relevant outcomes. When we sit at a table, at the end, there is a practical takeaway. Be it a best practice, a watchlist, a template, or whatever else, networking is not about wine; it’s about results.
– Horizontal approach | This is our distinsguishing feature: rather than being vertical, with a base of non-engaged associates and a few executives that run the machine, the GCA promotes the horizontal approach: each member is the owner of the group’s reputation and can promote projects and engage with stakeholders. Discussions are open and frank and projects are shared and aim at the common mission.
Each one counts, each one shares ideas and opportunities, each one pushes forward the limit. For all. This is the way EE.