Z – Project Zeta

Introducing Project Zeta

Welcome to Project Zeta, an initiative by the General Counsels Association (GCA) aimed at transforming the understanding and positioning of General Counsels in today’s dynamic organizational landscapes.

What is Project Zeta?

In an era where the legal landscape is continuously evolving, the role of General Counsels within organizations is more critical than ever. However, the role of the GC is sometimes mis-perceived, leading to gaps in achieving the highest standards of governance, compliance, and strategic decision-making. Project Zeta is here to change that.

Project Zeta encompasses a multi-faceted approach:

  • Positioning and Repositioning: We start by analyzing the current standing of GCs within organizations.
  • Role Definition: We delve deep into defining what the role of a GC should entail, beyond the traditional scope, to include strategic advisory, risk management, and more.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Understanding that change is a collective effort, we engage with HR professionals, talent acquisition teams, and other stakeholders to gather insights and foster a more inter-connected understanding of the GC’s role.
  • Strategy Development: Armed with insights, we develop actionable strategies for organizations to implement, ensuring the enhanced role of GCs is integrated and coordinates effectively with the other business funcions.

Get involved

Project Zeta is a movement that sees all functions contributing to the the success and strategic direction of organizations. Whether you’re a GC, HR professional, or part of the executive team, your insights and involvement are crucial.

  • For General Counsels: Join us in redefining your role and re-assessing your position within your organization.
  • For HR and Talent Acquisition Professionals: Collaborate with us to understand the evolving landscape of corporate organization.
  • For Organizations: Project Zeta speaks to all business functions; any association representative of a business function can get in touch to help us envisioning a future of deeper legal-business inter-connection.